“I’m helping my neighbors realize the power they have in state government. Join me in this campaign—we’ll do good for South Dakota together.”

Photo of Keith Block Smiling
Photo of Keith Block Smiling

Keith's Vision for South Dakota

Keith Block is a social worker who helps people achieve their best life. He’s seen firsthand the importance of giving people a hand up instead of a handout.


Childcare in South Dakota is in a state of emergency. Despite the overwhelming support for comprehensive childcare solutions, politicians in Pierre refuse to take action.

Keith proposes several programs to empower businesses and families to access childcare:

  • Expanding early-learning programs
  • Funding afterschool care
  • Improved cost-sharing programs for small businesses that want to offer childcare for their employees
Photo of a woman playing with some children

Economic Development

District 14 is growing just as rapidly as anywhere in the state. Sioux Falls residents need representatives focused on seizing the opportunity the moment provides, not fighting over national talking points.

In Pierre, Keith will work with community leaders around the state to:

  • Make targeted investments in infrastructure
  • Improve the environment for Main Street business
  • Promote exciting new industries like renewable energy and cybersecurity.
Photo of a construction site in Sioux Falls

Healthy Neighborhoods

Health is a broad term that means different things to different people. South Dakota is blessed with several advantages in this field. However, our legislature continues to come up short in guaranteeing that South Dakota is a place where working families have access to the care they need, when and where they need it.

  • Keith witnesses firsthand the effects of South Dakota’s ongoing mental health crisis.
  • Keith hears from voters every day about their concerns for long-term care.
  • Keith wants to work with the state to ensure the 2022 vote to expand Medicaid is executing efficiently and effectively, as the voters intended.
Photo of the Tuthill Park sign with flowers
Photo of Keith Block in a library smiling

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